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Basic Needs Services

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A+ InitiativesDelivering food and hot meals to people in need in Achrafieh76 808 000 or 76 410 505Achrafieh, Fassouh facing Medco
AbaadFree assistance for urgent requests such as food, hygiene, and dignity kits. 81 799 907Contact to confirm
Ahla FawdaFree distribution of food parcels, milk and diapers, clothes, and furniture 70 403 822Contact to confirm
Alghina NGOFree distribution of daily meals and food parcels, as well as blankets, quilts and clothing + Sponsorship program for children and orphans, including food, education, clothing, and health.70 697 171Contact to confirm
Base CampFree food boxes for those in needDM: @basecampbeirut or pass by the Base CampMar Mkhael, near Sip
Basmeh and ZeitoonehFree legal, financial, medical, and relief assistance to Syrian victims 76 491 833 or 76 491 794 Contact to confirm
Beirut Kitchen & Support
Free hot meals and other foods, as well as bathroom products, hygiene products, baby products, kitchen products, and miscellaneous household items03 839 254Contact to confirm
Caritas LebanonFree food and water, medication, and basic assistance 79 173 085 or 79 178 967 or 79 179 003Sassine, Achrafieh or Mar Mkhael
Dafa CampaignFree food, clothes, and other essential assistance81 862 688Contact to confirm
Development For People AssociationFree distribution of food Gemayzeh/Mar Mkhayel /Jietaweh/Karantina
Enfants de LumièreFree meals and clothes 71 88 90 33 or
Saint Georges Square Mall, Block B, Bsaleem, Jal El Dib, Lebanon
Hand in HandFood, clothing, hygiene products, and other necessities 71 821 213 or 71 725 398 or 76 675 020"Croque Soleil Garderie" parking in New Rawda
How Can U Help Beirut Free care packages:
1. Sleep Safe: Mattress, pillow, pillow cover, and sheets
2. Babies Need Love: Diapers, formula, bottles, diaper cream, wipes
3. Self-Care: Shampoo, hand sanitizer, face masks, body wash, loofahs, and more
76 111 447 or DM: @howcanuhelpbeirutContact to confirm
Iftar in a BoxFree food, health and hygiene kits, diapers & milk, as well as emergency comfort kits for kids designed with the advice of professional psychologists03 051 739 or DM: @iftar_in_a_boxContact to confirm
Kitchen of HopeFree door to door delivery of daily home cooked meals and medical assistance71 896 669 or DM @kitchenofhope.lebContact to confirm
Ma3kon InitiativeFree diapers, baby milk, and menstrual productsDM: @ma3konContact to confirm
Make a DifferenceFree hot meals and non-perishable food boxes for those in need + Free cleaning kits71 141 349 or DM: @makeadifferencelbContact to confirm
Matbakh el BaladFree warm meals to eat in or take to those in needDM: @matbakhelbalad

Contact to confirm
Nafs el Waja3Free food and breakfast bundles, as well as cleaning supplies and household products 78 998 878 or 71 489 971 or 70 887 109 or DM: @nafselwaja3 Contact to confirm
Nation StationFree fruits, vegetables, and water DM @nationstation__Beirut, abandoned gas station near Rmeil Mokhtar
Offre JoieFree food, hygiene kits, and other essential assistance to those in need03 628 000Contact to confirm
Operation Full FridgeFree food, hygiene kits, and baby kits Sign up for help or refer a family in need here or whatsapp 1 917-836-8886Contact to confirm
Rashet KheirFree food boxes and hot meals in addition to hygiene boxes 03 270 754Contact to confirm
Sa3ed GherakFree home cooked meals 3-4 times a week76 962 928 or DM: @sa3edgherakContact to confirm
Spread the BreadFree meals and bread/sandwiches/manaish/and similar items78 969 537 or DM: @spreadthebread.2020Contact to confirm
The North PoleFood, clothes, and financial aid to those in need03 155 170 or 71 809 070 or DM: @thenorthpoleofficialContact to Confirm